OAA Ministries

Arsenia Tart - Music President

The mission of the Music Ministry is to witness to the fallen, sick, weak, lost, sinner, as well as the saint through song by uplifting the name of the Lord that would cause a change of mind, heart, and soul. Leading all to Christ by urging all people to live a spirit-filled life to prepare for the coming of the Lord.


The vision of the Music Ministry is to uplift, praise, and magnify the Lord in all that we do, say, sing, and play. We will also line up with the Pastor’s vision for the church and music ministry.


Senoria Brown- Superintendent

Vision and Mission Statement

O’Fallon Apostolic Assembly’s Christian Education Department shall seek to teach our children and our adults about the Word of God. We will illustrate through teaching and practice how our faith is woven into each area of living and learning. It is through glorifying God, that we find purpose and meaning by God’s love for us and His will for our lives.


Belinda Clark - President

The mission of the O’Fallon Apostolic Assembly International Missions Ministry is as following: to lift the fallen, visit the sick, strengthen the weak, encourage the faint hearted, comfort the feeble-minded, point the lost to the way of salvation, and urge all people to seek a spirit filled life and prepare for the coming of the LORD.


The vision of the O’Fallon Apostolic Assembly International Missions Ministry is to demonstrate the light of Christ in the metro east areas by inviting the unchurched into our Christian family and loving each member unconditionally.


 -  President

After receiving the Holy Ghost 15 years ago, I hit the ground running, working in the church; serving whomever and wherever possible. Currently, I serve as lead armour-bearer, Men's Ministry president and member of the Deacon board. I am also the chief armour-bearer to Bishop Wells which I consider an outstanding honor to serve him as he serves the Lord. 

Men's Ministry Mission: It is the mission of the Men's Ministry to spread the gospel to all of God's children, but to particularly to men. We strive to serve in any capacity that will draw souls to Christ. It is our desire to become an conduit for change in men's lives, demonstrating a strong prayer life and kindness and love to others as we seek to uplift the fallen. 


Youth Department Mission: 
To Empower the youth to identify and connect with their relationship with the Lord. Encouraging the youth to utilize, operate and grow in their gifts under the anointing of God. Creating stable, strong, and confident church leaders for the next generation.


 - President

The mission of the O’Fallon Apostolic Assembly’s Usher Board is to serve as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord according to Psalms chapter 84 verse 10, “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness”. We would love to have all persons that enter our doors feel at home, to greet then with a warm and friendly smile, and let them know that they are always welcomed in God’s house. Our goals are to aid the congregation in worshipping the Lord by eradicating as many distractions as possible, learning to become more professional ushers, in addition to helping our church thrive.

The vision of the Usher Board is to serve God’s people in God’s sanctuary with dedication, commitment with a smile, and exhibit a spirit of unity, love, and compassion to all those who may enter into O’Fallon Apostolic Assembly.



Thelma King- President

Vision & Mission Statement 
We recognize the truth of 1 Corinthians 12:18: “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.” It has pleased the Lord to give us one another at O.A.A. and our vision is to take care of His gift.  
Our mission is to serve and build up the women of O.A.A. on their most holy faith and to tend to the needs of the church as a body. In the name of Jesus, we will encourage one another as members in particular, striving for camaraderie and fellowship, while helping one another recognize and develop their place in the Lord’s body. We will work to meet the needs of our church home and of the body of Christ at large.